Senin, 16 Maret 2009


Lookie here :P

A new chapter

hari ini gw ngalemin suatu aspek baru dalam kehidupan di sanur (haha puitis bgt lo), yaitu... pelanggaran..
Bangun pagi2, kan mw ngambil seragam, trus di lemari masih ada satu set seragam ijo kotak-kotak.. Jadi, tanpa berpikir panjang, langsung deh gw pake tuh seragam,,
Semuanya di rumah ga ada yang nyadar, mobil pun ga sadar juga,, bahaya tenan!
Gw baru sadarnya waktu turun dari mobil..yang lain pake seragam biru dan abu2,,sementara gw ijo ndiri.. Serasa domba hijau di antara domba2 biru dan abu2..
Gw kira gw doang yang salah seragam, ternyata ada companion,,hoho.. yaitu Erin. haha aseek ada temen :D
Dan..karena salah seragam.. hrus ngadep Bu Tuti for the first time.. Oh no!
Dan ibu bilang gini:

buTut: Kamu tuh gak lucu. Tiap hari ada aja muka baru yang muncul bikin pelanggaran..ckckck..(dan mulai ngemeng panjang lebar gw lupa ngomong apa).Kamu kenapa sih salah seragam?

Gw: Tadi tuh Bu di lemari saya masih ada seragam ijo, jadi saya make deh.. Saya lupa ini hari apa.

BuTut : Aah.. Itu mah bukan lupa, itu gak mikir! (dan blablabalabalalala)

(Setelah gw pikir2, bener juga sih gak mikir hahahahha.. :D)

Waktu mau dicatet nama gw, sepertinya Bu Tuti pun dipanggil Pak Suryo untuk menjaga tes kakak2 kelas XII,, *doain dia lupa nyatet..

Gw udah rada sensi juga ama tuh guru, diceramahin panjang lebar..grauuw.. Tapi kayaknya waktu pelajaran akun tadi gak nyebelin kok.. Yah secara yang slah gw juga sih,, haha.. Mungkin ini cara guru-guru membuat kita untuk semakin perhatian terhadap hal-hal di sekitar kita..(walau caranya nyebelin juga sih..)

MOga-moga mulai sekarang gw ga salah seragam lagi.. amiiin :D

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2009

Sissy's Happy

Been a while since my last post.. hehee.. Sorry, no time ( FYI, I sleep everyday at 2 a.m. in the morning).. urgh.. I even think that I'm having a flu.. hiks..

Okay,, today I'm gonna post about the things that happened yesterday. Grr.. I hated PurPur.. When the test started, I just looked at number 1, and... I didn't know what to do with it.. It was like a total blank all of a sudden... And number 3 didn't help me to feel better either.. I could only do number 2 (bahkan ga yakin 100%). Let's just pray that I won't get a remedial test.. :'(
And while I was panicking on doing the test, I turned my head to left to see Momon's progress, and........ She was sleeping. Hellloooo? My God,I couldn't do the test, and she was sleeping?? (Oke ga nyante) Mon, Mon.. HOw could you do it so easily? Ckckck..
Well, I was desperate, so I did it by following my instinct.. Haah.. I don't care about it anymore..

After that, I was planning to go with OlivRose, Nadya, and Nia to watch some movies.. but it seemed Nadya and Nia couldn't go so we had to cancelled, which made me to change my plan to accompany my sister and Mom to go looking for a new handphone, since sis' was robbed in G.I and it was only a month's old.. (see my older posting)

Because we also wanted to wait for Dad to accompany us also, we went to G.I. to go windowshopping.. We also waited for a loooong time 'cause we wanted to buy some bread in Harvey Nichols.. because~~ the price will be cut 50% after 7 p.m.. Wii.. the bread are so delicious we bought many of'em! Yum..


H N hahaha

H N 3

After going to G.I. we went to Ambassador Mall to buy sis' HP.. And she decided to buy an LG Cookie! Hohoo.. it looked so nice (and the price was also nice, considering its features :) ) She was reeaaaally reeaally that she got to have a new HP again, her old one was in a really bad condition..

Cookie 1

Cookie 2

And while I'm there, I tried to look for PS2 game, because lately PS2 games are not so great, I looked for Ar Tonelico II.. and no luck.. :'(

Ar Tonelico II
I missed Atlus' Persona games.. hiks..

That's all for now! Bye!